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 (.NET) Add "Project Switcher" to Navigation Bar
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Junior Member

21 Posts

Posted - Sep 29 2021 :  1:34:11 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

I've recently been working on some .NET projects that target multiple versions of the .NET runtime. This causes a little bit of headaches because there are cases where you might write some code that works with one version of the runtime, but doesn't in a different one. One of the features built into visual studio is to switch the context of which framework the intellisense & syntax highlighting uses via the left most dropdown on their navigation bar.

I think it goes without saying, but I definitely prefer the VA Navigation bar to the VS one, and would much prefer to not rely on the standard one at all. However because the VA Nav bar doesn't have this "project switcher", I'm currently left needing to show both bars.

Is there a way to add a switcher like the built in, so I can go back to having the built in nav bar disabled?

I looked for a way to add a switcher to the VS UI via toolbar customization, but it seems they don't expose that command anywhere (or if they do, I couldn't find it in the swath of menus...)

This is the switcher I'm talking about:


Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19074 Posts

Posted - Sep 30 2021 :  08:31:17 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I see now what you mean. This is the "current project" list, which is also the target platform when your different projects target different versions of .NET

I am not seeing any other obvious method of changing this either. I have put in a feature request to add these options / entries to the Alt-M list, since this does make sense:


zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness
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Junior Member

21 Posts

Posted - Sep 30 2021 :  11:23:57 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Awesome, thanks so much!
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