For add property, what are you thinking of for these three types? Based on this page:
you basically have with, or without, explicitly declared storage:
class PropertyExamples
private double _fullCount; // data for property with backing field
public double FullCount // property with backing field
get { return _fullCount; }
set { _fullCount = value; }
public double AutoDensity // auto property, data storage not explicitly defined
{ get; set; }
you can also use expression body methods for get and set:
public double Minutes
get => _seconds / 60;
set => _seconds = value * 60; // should really error check
but I don't see that this matters for Add Member, unless you have a reason why we should consider adding this version?
For Add Method, adding a local method makes sense. I would expect to trigger this via Create from Usage:
unless you think it makes sense to trigger it from create similar method?
For override from base, how are you thinking this might work? If we are overriding an existing method in the base class then this already exists, via Implement Virtual Methods on the class its self. If instead you are thinking of creating a new method, and adding this both to the current class and to the base class, then this is a separate concept.