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 VA to parse all included files
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Junior Member

20 Posts

Posted - Mar 02 2020 :  7:36:28 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
My current version of VA (10.9.2270, VS 2015) doesn't see .h files that are not explicitly included to the vcxproj, even if they are in External Dependencies VS "folder" in the project tree.

It would be much appreciated if VA could see those files as well. We a big C++ code base with many devs and lots of .h files are not added in .vcxproj.

I checked the VA settings, but didn't find any setting that would help me. It would be perfect if I just missed one)

When I use Open File in Solution with check "Show only files in the current solution" off, I see some of .h files that are not added to the project explicitly. But definitely not all of them.

Edited by - Alek86 on Mar 02 2020 7:47:50 PM

Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19136 Posts

Posted - Mar 03 2020 :  05:05:45 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Do you have:

VA Options -> Performance -> Parse all files when opening a project

turned On of Off?

Based on this page, assuming the information is correct:


the external dependencies files are #included into your code somewhere inside your solution. So, if VA is aware of the directories these files live in, and is parsing the files that include them, it should be looking for and parsing these files if possible.

For the header files VA is not finding, are these in the same directory as header files VA is finding, or are they in different directories? I am trying to work out if this is a problem with VA finding all of the include directories for your project, or something else.

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