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 Alt+O extension for forms
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Tomato Guru

2322 Posts

Posted - Nov 22 2019 :  04:45:24 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I wish I could open a corresponding form in the forms designer from the current file.
Even when I have the whatever.designer.cs file open in the editor, the default shortcuts (Shift+F7) wont open the designer.
So, for form classes, Alt+O should show

* whatever.cs
* whatever.designer.cs
* whatever.resx
* whatever (open in designer)

Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19105 Posts

Posted - Nov 22 2019 :  11:13:30 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Alt-O already moves you between the first 3 of these, it just does not take you into the designer view. Shift-F7 is going directly to the design view for me. I am working with a simple C# Windows Forms solution, very little in it yet, but it shows this basic feature working well.

Are you seeing Alt-O offer the menu with the other two files when you press this in the code view? You should be, but it reads as if you are not.

Are all of your files using the same name? I would expect them to be, but if somehow one of the files has a different base name this might be why this is not working as expected for you.

zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness
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Tomato Guru

2322 Posts

Posted - Nov 22 2019 :  11:22:42 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
The form designer actually only opens with Shift+F7 when you are in the whatever.cs file, but not in the ".designer.cs". When in the ".resx" the Resource Designer opens.
Maybe its just me but Alt+O -> "Open &Form Designer" goes smoother than switching files and then Shift+7.
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Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19105 Posts

Posted - Nov 23 2019 :  08:09:17 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
This makes sense.

Checking the existing behaviour first, if I am sitting in the "resx" file and press Shift+F7, I am taken to a new tab, with the same file name, which is a grid view of the resources that are listed.

Which may well explain why the form design view is not currently included in what Alt-O goes to. If we include both the form designer and this grid view, then we go from 3 items to move between to 5 items. Plus you cannot currently leave the form design view via Alt-O, since instead this keyboard shortcut opens the "Format" menu. This is happening in both VS2017 and VS2019.

So this would get you into the form design view, but not out of it again.

zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness
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Tomato Guru

2322 Posts

Posted - Nov 25 2019 :  03:58:15 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Actually, you cant Alt+O from any designer as it always defaults to "F&ormat", but one could, since the menu shortcuts are editable too. I seriosly dont remember ever having used this menu at all during my years with VS. If there would be an option to chose "Alt+O opens always other files" or something like that, for me its always checked.

As for your question: yes, I see the correct entries on Alt+O. All files have default names.
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Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19105 Posts

Posted - Nov 26 2019 :  2:10:33 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
After a bit of digging around, I have found how to customise the modifier keys for the menu's the IDE shows. I am wary of this approach though, simply because you can end up running into duplicate accelerators for menu items, which is really irritating when, as a keyboard focused user, you run into this.

The next test is using the IDE options dialog to map the keyboard shortcut Alt-F, obviously normally opens the File menu, to run a VA command. The command actually takes priority over the menu bar, so technically this makes sense.

I have put in a feature request to see what our developers make of this idea:


zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness
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