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 quick switch between <Find Symbol> and <Open File>
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Posted - Dec 18 2017 :  06:57:58 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Sometimes we press Ctrl + Shift + O,enter a lot of words and then realise what we need is Ctrl + Shift + S

Thus we have to press ESC and then enter the words agains.

Or should we support Ctrl + Shift + O and Ctrl + Shift + S in both dialog to do quick switch ?

Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19134 Posts

Posted - Dec 18 2017 :  07:47:09 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Is this something that happens often, or just occasionally?

For now, are you aware you can use Ctrl-A to quickly select all of your search terms, and then Ctrl-C to copy these. Then when you have swapped to the other dialog, you can press Ctrl-V to paste in the search terms. Not quite as quick, but a lot quicker than having to retype your search terms.

zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness
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New Member

3 Posts

Posted - Dec 19 2017 :  9:26:50 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
1.It happens open,so I come here back to see if the topic is replied
2.Ctrl + A ,Ctrl +C / V are not realized before.They may ease the situation.
3. Suddenly,in <Find Symbol> Dilaog, I found that Alt + shift + s is the shortcut for "Show only symbols defined in current solutior".Since the first time Alt + s not work,I consider it a bug,or unknown shortcut conflicts with my keyboard setting! Will it be Alt + s to be more consistent with Alt + c? In my own plugins,I make all shortcuts Alt +
,isn't it a tradition on Windows?

Edited by - mario123 on Dec 19 2017 9:29:51 PM
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Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19134 Posts

Posted - Dec 20 2017 :  09:05:16 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
In Windows Alt + letter is the keyboard shortcut to open a menu. So its generally best to avoid using these keyboard shortcuts, especially since the menus and thus their shortcuts can change depending on the file you have open, or the extensions you have installed, since some extensions add their own menus.

In the IDE most "normal" shortcuts are already used by default, so you have to use more unusual keyboard shortcuts if you want to find a shortcut that is not already in use, which is why VA uses Alt+Shift+s.

zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness
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