for a list of your bookmarks. This will let you see which files have bookmarks.
Yes. But, I want to see in the list of finds (for a particular thing) which ones are associated with bookmarked lines. That way I can go directly to them.
I mentioned previously about the GotoDive function. This is one way that I could work-around that feature. I could simply multi-bookmark as needed, and then find for things and be able to go right to the bookmarked line(s) and it would be almost as good (though another nice feature would be an auto-save-last-find so they cycle through a small range of recent finds).
Are you asking to know if any of the lines in the Find References Results list are bookmarked? So the overlap between Find References and bookmarks?
Yes. That if a source code line in the find results is a bookmarked line, it would be flagged with an icon similar to the one Visual Studio uses in the editor window.