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 Visual Assist
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 Expose options to use Visual Assist for non-C++
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Posted - Jun 24 2014 :  2:33:03 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Visual Assist used to work with non-C++ files like JavaScript and even custom text files (so that we can use the VA clipboard with ctrl-shift-V).

Somehow in a version upgrade this functionality got removed by default (seems like only for newer versions of Visual Studio), and we have to get the old settings back by using regedit and change RestrictVaToPrimaryFileTypes and RestrictVaListboxesToC/C++ to 0.

This seems really backward to me, removing an existing functionality and forcing users to edit registry to get it back. Is there a reason for the change? I have been using Visual Assist with JavaScript files and it actually works pretty well. I have submitted feature requests on add more JS support and they were implemented as well i.e. there were actual work done on it. I know it's not officially supported but I think it would be really nice to have this exposed in a GUI, as not everyone is comfortable editing their own registry. Provided the tool doesn't crash or do something horrendous what's wrong with exposing this option?

Side note: it's a testament how good this tool is that even non-officially supported languages (e.g. JavaScript) still work better than a lot of other IDEs!

Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19073 Posts

Posted - Jun 25 2014 :  8:17:38 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Unfortunately we don't have any current plans to expose this setting directly. We have made the decision to focus our resources on C, C++ and C#, and since support for JavaScript and VB.NET is not as complete or robust, we are disabling it by default, to avoid producing a poor quality experience.

The support is still available if you want to enable it, and realise that it may not always work correctly.

If running regedit is a concern, it would be easy enough to generate a .reg file containing the setting change, and run that instead.

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