const wchar_t * m_str = L"Copyright: \\u00A9"; After convert to UTF-8: const char * m_str = "Copyright: \\xC2\\xA9";
But handle also case when Code page of source code is applied: for example if text is: L"Copyright: #169;", convert to UTF8 should work and result should be: "Copyright: \\xC2\\xA9". [edit: should be Copyright sign (C)]
And so on...
Another perhaps not refactor could be a place result of expression: lets say I write: double x = now I click VA X -> Eval expression... in input box i would write: "cos(radians(125.5))" and result would become: double x = 0.999275;
And this could be resolved using $EVAL($Expression$)$ snippet :)
Regarding the expression evaluator: how often do you do something like this? Personally, I would rather use a more professional solution like or at least Google. I tried the latter and it's able to solve your expression. :)