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Posted - Nov 10 2005 :  2:54:03 PM  Show Profile

I have noticed that from time to time the message will pop up that the file I have a version of the current file that was not saved properly. Now aside from the fact that it sometimes gives this prompt while I am debugging- my edit and continue doesn't work- sometimes it seems that the copy brought in is worse than the copy that I already had. It sure would be nice to be able to compare the two versions to see which version I want to keep. Or maybe I want to take the best of both- who knows. All I know is that I get scared when this window pops up because who knows what will happen if I say yes and who knows what I am losing if I say no. This is really annoying... Hopefully you will fix this in a future version.


Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19105 Posts

Posted - Nov 10 2005 :  3:34:11 PM  Show Profile
this should only happen if the IDE crashes, or some other equally serious condition. i am slightly concerned that you are getting this at all, let alone fairly often.

is there something you are doing (other than edit and continue) that seems to be triggering this dialog?

i have put in a feature request for the ability to see the differences between the two files


zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness
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