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 MS Visual Studio .Net 2003 quits unexpectedly
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New Member

7 Posts

Posted - Dec 06 2005 :  1:42:06 PM  Show Profile

It seemed that VAX 1418 caused MS Visual Studio .Net 2003 to hang sometimes when starting debugging.
That's why I upgraded to VAX 1434 from 1418 recently.
However, my MS Visual Studio .Net 2003 suddenly quits unexpectedly.
I got the problem again and again until I uninstall VAX.
I don't have any other plugin installed.

Is there anyone who has such a problem?

Whole Tomato Software

5566 Posts

Posted - Dec 06 2005 :  7:47:34 PM  Show Profile
Do you have a multi-cpu or hyperthreaded system? If so, it's probably the reason 1418 hung sometimes. (This problem is fixed in 1434.)

As for the new problem...

Is there anything obvious preceding the quit? Might the quit occur when you open a certain cpp or header?

If the problem occurs often enough, can you attach another IDE to VS.NET to catch the exception causing the quit?

Do you have coworkers without the problem? If so, what might be different in your setup?
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New Member

7 Posts

Posted - Dec 12 2005 :  6:21:20 PM  Show Profile
When it's parsing some source files, this quit occurs.
Actually, it's hard to tell which source files causes this quit since it hapeens any c++ source files. I tried to VAX 1437 today, but I am getting same problem.

When I uninstall the previous VAX to install newer version, I am getting some error in the middle of uninstallation: "Uninstalling Visual Assist X: gert0.exe - Application Error" during uninstallation."
Does this cause this quit problem?
Otherwise, there is a serious bug in VAX?
Right now, VAX appears to hang since it says Parsing for a certain source files for a long time.

I am only one, using VAX in my team.
Others will use later based on my feedback.

My system does have Hyper thread enabled.
VAX 1418 does not have this quit problem, but it cuases the entire systems hangs.
Once I tried VAX 1434 and 1437, I am getting this sudden quit .net 2003 IDE.
I can't use VAX until this problem goes away...

Edited by - pseo on Dec 12 2005 6:48:17 PM
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Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19105 Posts

Posted - Dec 12 2005 :  6:41:57 PM  Show Profile
normally VA does as much parsing as possible when you first load the solution. does the crash now occur during this initial phase?

if so can you try creating a simple test project to see if that makes any difference? if it does it suggests something in your code base is confusing the parser.

a call stack from a crash, and if you can get the crash fairly much on demand a log file would be very helpful:


zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness
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New Member

7 Posts

Posted - Dec 12 2005 :  7:10:16 PM  Show Profile
After installation of VAX 1437, start .NET 2003 IDE.
Open my C++ project file.
VAX start parsing and .NET 2003 IDE quits suddenly.
After this, whenever opening the project, .NET 2003 IDE quits.

I just sent the log file to '[email protected]'
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Whole Tomato Software

5566 Posts

Posted - Dec 14 2005 :  12:19:43 AM  Show Profile
The gert0 problem is a result of Microsoft Antispyware falsely assuming we are spyware. If you disable real-time scanning in MA, the error at uninstall should go away. For us, upgrading to the newest MA and signature files eliminated the false positive.

As for the unexpected quit...

Are you able to open a tiny, sample project successfully? (You might be required to uninstall VA X if your IDE reopens the failing project at startup automatically.)
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Whole Tomato Software

5566 Posts

Posted - Dec 14 2005 :  10:21:49 AM  Show Profile
We checked your logs and sent a test DLL we believe has a fix.

Let us know how it goes.
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New Member

7 Posts

Posted - Dec 14 2005 :  5:07:31 PM  Show Profile
When did you send the test dll?
I am not getting it yet.

Could you send it again?
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New Member

7 Posts

Posted - Dec 14 2005 :  8:40:02 PM  Show Profile
Originally posted by support

We checked your logs and sent a test DLL we believe has a fix.

Let us know how it goes.

I did not get the file yet...
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Whole Tomato Software

5566 Posts

Posted - Dec 15 2005 :  10:52:34 AM  Show Profile
We suspect our email was blocked because it contained a zipped DLL.

Can you send us an email address from a different domain?
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New Member

7 Posts

Posted - Dec 15 2005 :  1:14:40 PM  Show Profile
I was able to download the test dll from your site.
I just installed VAX and replaced with newer VA_X.dll.
It parsed alll my code and it does not cuase the problem yet.
At the end of today, I should be able to verify this and let you know the result.

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New Member

7 Posts

Posted - Dec 16 2005 :  12:48:16 PM  Show Profile
It's working ok now.

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Whole Tomato Software

5566 Posts

Posted - Dec 17 2005 :  12:25:05 PM  Show Profile
Fixed in 1438.
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