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Ketchup Master

53 Posts

Posted - Dec 01 2005 :  2:25:54 PM  Show Profile
This one has been bugging me for a while. Can't believe nobody else has mentioned it.

Call up the Open Files in Workspace dialog, (make sure there is no text in the filter edit box when it is called up). Type in a few letters so that a bunch of files are left in the list (you need at least 3). Hit Shift-DownArrow.

What *should* be selected is the one file that the dialog selected and the one beneath it. Unforunately, what does get selected is everything from the top of the list to the current item. The opposite is true if you do UpArrow.

If, when you initially call up the dialog, there is some existing text in the filter, then even more bizarre and inconsistent behavior occurs. If the filter you set is different than the one that is in there when the dialog opens, odd things happen.

This is realllly annoying if the dialog only filters out a few files, and as a result 100+ files are selected and you hit Enter before you realize it. VC then proceeds to open all 100+ files.

A fun exercise in patience that is. It doesn't matter though. I still love this piece of software

Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19105 Posts

Posted - Dec 01 2005 :  3:59:43 PM  Show Profile
got the first effect. it is only happening for me under fairly precise conditions, which is probably why other people have not reported this.


zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness
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Ketchup Master

53 Posts

Posted - Dec 01 2005 :  6:31:26 PM  Show Profile
Maybe I am doing something wrong. What are the precise conditions you use to duplicate, and when can you get it to work as expected? I can reproduce it almost everytime, with the exception of when I type in the exact same filter that is there when I open the dialog (i.e. the files listed are exactly the same).

The results aren't always the same, but they are almost always incorrect.

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Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19105 Posts

Posted - Dec 04 2005 :  4:44:14 PM  Show Profile
i doubt it is you doing something wrong. my experience of these matters is that when someone says "it goes wrong" they are right, the trick is finding out why *shrug*

using VS2003 with VA 1432 and a C++ project i found the following:

open IDE, load a solution with several files in it, then load OFIW
filter on "o", or some other letter that means the highlighted file is not the first file in the list.
press SHIFT-DOWN_ARROW to select the highlighted file and the one below it. instead all files from the top of the list to the new current file are highlighted.

escape OFIW and reload it, the same filter is shown, press SHIFT-DOWN_ARROW, now it selects only two files, as expected.

changing to a new filter causes this to start happening again.

here i was using a small test case, but when i use OFIW the first file in the list is nearly always the highlighted one. i use OFIW to home in on one specific file, rather than a group of files, so perhaps i am overlooking some detail.

if you escape OFIW and reopen it, leaving the existing filter alone, do you still get multiple files selected?

zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness
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