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 equation reversal, and data series.
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Starting Member

1 Posts

Posted - Nov 18 2005 :  2:23:42 PM  Show Profile
I have two suggestions.

1. I often have to copy many variables in C++ (especially when creating copy operators, etc.) I would love a way to quickly paste:
a = a1;
b = b1; // keeping comments would be 'nice' but not required
c = c1;
and 'flip' to:
a1 = a;
b1 = b; // keeping comments would be 'nice' but not required
c1 = c;

2. At times I need to generate lookup tables. I would love a way to get from:
1, 2, 3, 4,
or even:
1, 2,
3, 4,


Tomato Guru

642 Posts

Posted - Nov 18 2005 :  10:35:22 PM  Show Profile
You can accomplish the first with block cut and paste fairly easily. The second could be done with viM's J command. In VS, I usually just shift-right arrow a couple of times and hit delete.

Easy enough that I vote to not have it added.

Joe Pizzi
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Tomato Guru

416 Posts

Posted - Nov 19 2005 :  08:05:17 AM  Show Profile
Hello all,

I do not concur with jpizzi. I would like this option, but I think there are also options that I would like to see implemented earlier.

With kind regards,
Patrick Luja
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Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19085 Posts

Posted - Nov 19 2005 :  2:47:07 PM  Show Profile
looking at these two examples, if i was in VIM i would simply use a macro for the first one, and 'J' for the second, as jpizzi says. macro's allow you to handle variable length variable names. loading the current file in an external editor just to do a single job is a fuss, i know, i often do this myself

at a basic level, the first operation is "poorly" defined. what do you do about more complex line shapes? where do you draw the line? i would say that this is why macro's were added to editors, and i would also agree (before someone tells me ) that macro's in VS2003 can be frustratingly slow.

as for joining lines together, at the moment this is probably a little outside of VA's area. using VS2003 i have just had a brief look at the regular expression support in find and replace.

highlight a block of lines like that, find for "\\n\\w*" and replace with " " nearly works. \\w does not appear to be the code for white space, but if you know what the code is then a simple highlight the lines, CTRL-H and regex would do the entire job in one go.

zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness
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