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 B1418.0 Jumps to beginning of file...
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Ketchup Master

83 Posts

Posted - Jun 30 2005 :  09:04:36 AM  Show Profile

The build 1418 jump to the beginning of the file each time I replace a -> or a :: with an .

Steps to reproduce: mark the characters :: or -> and press .

any quick workaround for that? I'm just moving code from c++ to c# and it is driving me nuts...


Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19105 Posts

Posted - Jun 30 2005 :  3:10:08 PM  Show Profile
i cannot reproduce this in VS 2003 with VA 1418, and i have tried both a C++ and a C# project.

what IDE are you using? does this happen in any code base? what other plugin's do you have installed?

if you disable VAX does this problem go away?

zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness
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Ketchup Master

83 Posts

Posted - Jul 01 2005 :  05:45:20 AM  Show Profile

I'm using VS2005 Beta II and no add-ins.

This effect has happend twice and out of the blue - I have not found any way to reproduce the effect (which I did not know when I wrote the previous note, sorry). But it does go away when I disable VAX.

The project I am working on is a mixed C++ and C# project which seems to confuse VAX mildly as it seems to sometimes forget members etc.

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Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19105 Posts

Posted - Jul 01 2005 :  3:03:06 PM  Show Profile
using vs2005 beta 2 with VAX 1418 i am not getting anywhere fast with this.

i have taken an existing C# solution (it only contains one project) and added some cpp files to this project, this producing an impression of a mixed C# / C++ solution.

i have been going around making various edits in both C# and C++ code, but so far everything is behaving just fine. certainly no sign of cursor jumping problems.

at the risk of being pedantic (well i am a programmer ) how do you know the problem goes away when you disable VAX? how long were you using vs2005 before you had this happen twice?

do you have a small test project where you can reproduce this effect? ideally one that it would be OK to email me so i can try and reproduce this.

zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness
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Ketchup Master

83 Posts

Posted - Jul 01 2005 :  4:38:22 PM  Show Profile
I'll try and find some hard evidence - I'll let you know when I find something...

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Junior Member

13 Posts

Posted - Jul 02 2005 :  3:35:16 PM  Show Profile
I've had this happen with 1413 and 1416 on VS 2003 using VC++. I have never been able to reproduce it reliably, but it has happened on more than a couple occassions. Seems to do with typing -> or m_ but I have not been able to figure out exactly what triggers it.
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Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19105 Posts

Posted - Jul 03 2005 :  2:27:33 PM  Show Profile
i have seen reports of the caret jumping around the file while editing in VC 2003, but i have never been able to reproduce this problem.

any hints or clues anyone can provide will be gratefully received.

zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness
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Ketchup Master

83 Posts

Posted - Jul 04 2005 :  4:49:05 PM  Show Profile

here we go again...

when I press a . (dot) the editor jumps somewhere. It is allways the same position regardless of where I press the dot in the file (line 41 column 6 character 4 (just beening being pedantic (well i am a programmer ))). No other character sequence seems to do anything wrong. The effect is limited to one of the open source files (c#). I can see a shadow of a menu poping up briefly (Subliminal Ad ??? ). When I disable VAX the effect is gone - when i enable VAX (without restarting VS) the same effect is still there.

Now the only new thing that I can say is that this happend only a few minutes after I a) opened this second instance of the Visual Studio and b) performed a debug session using both instances.

wow! Just closed the VS (second instance) and restarted it. Loaded the same solution, opened the same file and pressed the dot - normal dot operaton happend, selected method name and pressed ( - bang - jumps to same spot. Go back to where we came from, pressed ( again - normal operation, pressed dot - normal operation.
But now the keyword sugestions are totally messed up. Displays completly different methods and inserts method names that it did not even display.

o.k. im closing the second instance again. Have just opened up the solution again. Try editor a different file - works fine. Now back to the orignal file, same line and position - I'm pressing . - still bad sugestions - it is actual suggesting a new set of keywords as if every character I press is the first character.

well - last test; close both instances of VS... Opening the same order of instances. Well guess what?! Still happens... Well guess I have to post this now and do a reboot...

cu soon
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Ketchup Master

83 Posts

Posted - Jul 04 2005 :  5:14:08 PM  Show Profile
welcome back to the life stream from programmer drome where programmer and VAX are taking up there fighting postions - there goes the gong. VAX quickly launches forwards and strikes - programmer falls to the ground - will he stand up again - 4...3...2...1...gong ... and the winner is VAX.

With other words - even after a reboot the same effect is still there - my guess is that I will have to delete some files somewhere ... him lets look...

oh .ncb files now that look familiar - off you go into the bin...

no change after deleting the ncb files - now I am getting worried.

deleted all bin/... files still no change

HELP... there is not way that I can work this way
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Ketchup Master

83 Posts

Posted - Jul 04 2005 :  5:40:10 PM  Show Profile
OK I've got it on "video" - I'll send it to your support email address and hope that you can make the connection.

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Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19105 Posts

Posted - Jul 05 2005 :  1:45:08 PM  Show Profile
thank you for being so pedantic and detailed about this hopefully there will be enough clues to try and make some headway. can you reference this thread in the email you send? this makes it easier to connect things up afterwards.

and now for the long shot questions:

if you open this single, special problem .cs file on its own, or include it in a new simple C# project do you still get problems? i don't remember a lot of posts about mixed C++ and C# projects, so this is a possible clue.

when you say C++ is this Managed C++ going to .NET or "pure" C++? they seem to be different enough that this might matter.

if this file causes problems in different settings is it one that you could email to me or support so we could try to reproduce this problem?

you seem to be able to reproduce problems fairly much on demand, so could you turn on logging:


and then reproduce, then email the log files into support?

zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness
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Ketchup Master

83 Posts

Posted - Jul 05 2005 :  1:52:56 PM  Show Profile
I sent the email to '[email protected]' yesterday night - only thing is that I forgot to include a subject line - it was late. Is this the email address of your faviour or should I sent it to somewhere else?
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Ketchup Master

83 Posts

Posted - Jul 05 2005 :  2:02:13 PM  Show Profile
Just sent the requested logfiles and the "video"...

please let me know when you get them!

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Ketchup Master

83 Posts

Posted - Jul 05 2005 :  2:04:55 PM  Show Profile
Sorry, just one thing that I forgot ...

it's managed C++ (V2) to C#.

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Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19105 Posts

Posted - Jul 06 2005 :  3:06:53 PM  Show Profile
i will ask, and see if these have been picked up.

do you have time to try the experiment of loading the problem file in a separate solution?

zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness
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Ketchup Master

83 Posts

Posted - Jul 07 2005 :  10:43:38 AM  Show Profile

I've being trying but have failed so far - but I will keep up trying...

Some People say:

Zen ist the art of asking "What is the sound of one hand clapping?" and actually finding an answer...

But isn't the art of maintaining a smile when your software chashes two minutes before the final deadline also Zen?
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Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19105 Posts

Posted - Jul 07 2005 :  2:55:35 PM  Show Profile
i have emailed support about this, hopefully they can make something of the log files. by the sounds of it then this effect could be project specific *sigh*

which probably rules out any of the obvious things, like invisible control characters being buried inside of the file.

as an aside, whats a final deadline? most of my projects tend to get started post deadline ;)

zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness
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Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19105 Posts

Posted - Jul 20 2005 :  6:06:20 PM  Show Profile
MrJones4u have you had any reply to your email to support? they seem to be rather busy with things at the moment.

in case you have not i have just emailed you via the forum, so feel free to reply to that and email me the "video" and log file. i will try and pass them on for you and hopefully have someone look into this problem.

zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness
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Senior Member

45 Posts

Posted - Nov 10 2005 :  09:21:36 AM  Show Profile
I use Visual Studio 2005 RTM and VAX 1418 and sometimes have the problem where the cursor jumps to the beginning of another file, or to a bookmark.

Have there been any corrections for this behavior?

I have seen the problem, where I select a C++ line and then press {.


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Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19105 Posts

Posted - Nov 10 2005 :  5:31:36 PM  Show Profile
i am not aware of any specific bug fixes for this. the main problem here is pinning down the cause of the problem.

have you found any pattern to this? any other addin's installed? does the problem appear to be file specific?

you could try the current beta release, 1430, this has a lot of bug fixes and development work in it, so you may find it more reliable.

zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness
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