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 After VA outline refresh, IME disappears

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
superzmy Posted - Dec 20 2024 : 12:40:55 AM
When the VAOutline window refreshes (for example when I input any content even if it�s a comment), it seems that due to the focus change, the content inputted by the IME disappears.
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
feline Posted - Dec 23 2024 : 08:55:16 AM
Based on your other thread comment, this is a problem typing other languages. There is a known bug in the latest version that stops you typing Korean properly, depending on the typing speed. We have a fix for this internally, which I have just emailed you about:

superzmy Posted - Dec 22 2024 : 8:36:59 PM
yes, without NV native bar it's ok.
But I'm using your 2537 version.
there is no the bug in version 24xx, .
feline Posted - Dec 20 2024 : 11:00:04 AM
Can you please try turning OFF

VA Options -> Display -> Display VA Navigation Bar:

and see if this fixes the problem? If so, then I suspect you are seeing a known problem that we have a fix for, but what is the IME input? I don't recognise this. Without knowing what it is, I cannot test to see if this is fixed or not.
superzmy Posted - Dec 20 2024 : 04:28:25 AM
when va nav bar changed, IME inputting content will disappear

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