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 Encapuslate field and a namespace

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
xMRi Posted - May 28 2020 : 06:50:28 AM
I am inside a namespace:

namespace Events

class CInboundEvent; 
typedef std::shared_ptr<CInboundEvent>	CInboundEventPtr;

class CInboundEvent : public std::enable_shared_from_this<CInboundEvent>
	CInboundEventPtr m_spNextEvent;

No try and use "encapsulate field".
This resultzs in:

	Events::CInboundEventPtr GetNextEvent() const
		return m_spNextEvent;
	void SetNextEvent(Events::CInboundEventPtr val)
		m_spNextEvent = val;

I would like to have no namespace here. Yes it is correct. But I am in this namespace. So why to use it?
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
feline Posted - May 28 2020 : 09:20:50 AM
A very good question, and you are right, we don't need to use the namespace here:


it's not always obvious when we do and don't need to add the namespace scope information, so we tend to err on the safe side, to make sure you get valid code.

Hopefully not happening all the time you use Encapsulate Field.

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