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 Allow displaying forbidden suggestions

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Kastenfrosch Posted - May 05 2020 : 10:13:18 AM
When typing

const std::vector<int> a;

I dont't get a suggestion for push_back, because a is const.

If I remember correctly, older VA-Versions did display these "forbidden" suggestions - but I don't find any settings to bring them back.

Its unquestionably super useful to be reminded, that they are forbidden (grayed out / red warning / ... ), but it would also be useful to see the whole interface (at least if desired via settings)
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Kastenfrosch Posted - May 05 2020 : 1:01:06 PM
You're totally right.

"Default Intellisense" was activated and after switching to "Visual Assist", everything worked perfectly again.

(Alternatively it could be deactivated within the Intellisense Options)

Thanks a lot.
feline Posted - May 05 2020 : 12:19:44 PM
How do you have:

VA Options -> Enhanced Listboxes -> Source of C/C++ content: Visual Assist OR Default Intellisense

set? Currently VA does not work out which functions are currently available, so I suspect that the IDE intellisense is active here, and is filtering out these functions. If so, they should be shown when you set the source of intellisense to Visual Assist.

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