I am really missing this when compared to Resharper.

I come from Unreal Engine project and Epic Games standards encourage this style:
// Old style
Trigger(TEXT("Soldier"), 5, true);.
// New style
const FName ObjectName = TEXT("Soldier");
const float CooldownInSeconds = 5;
const bool bVulnerableDuringCooldown = true;
Trigger(ObjectName, CooldownInSeconds, bVulnerableDuringCooldown);
While this look like it makes code more readable it also clutters the code and expands it�s length multiple times. I think this is ugly workaround for missing named parameters in C++. It is something what should be solved either by C++ standard (C++20 has partial solution) or by IDE (Resharper plugin already supports it). Writing it using local parameters would create code clutter which would be left there even after official support from C++ or IDE.
Personally, I think that even including named parameters into language, like other languages do, is not good solution as it encourages writing same code (variable name) twice.
It would awesome if Visual Assist supported it!