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 'Collapse all' in VA Find References Result

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
bta Posted - Mar 25 2020 : 05:18:23 AM
When doing a Find References, I typically find myself going over all the file nodes in the tree and collapse them.
That way I can see where something is used throughout my project.

'Collapse All' and 'Expand All' would be a nice (small) addition so I don't need to do that manually anymore.


VA_X.dll file version 10.9.2366.0 built 2020.02.20
DevEnv.exe version 16.4.29728.190 Professional

9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
sean Posted - May 12 2020 : 7:37:10 PM
case=142050 is fixed in build 2375.
sean Posted - Mar 30 2020 : 2:11:09 PM
yes, that is an oops.
feline Posted - Mar 30 2020 : 11:17:37 AM
Oops, that is unexpected. I am seeing the same problem here:


for now the work around is to keep "Show Projects" turned On. If you don't want VA to search multiple projects you can keep "Search all projects" turned Off, and just ignore the project root node in the results list.
bta Posted - Mar 30 2020 : 10:52:58 AM
In both situations there were hits in more than 1 file. The case when I didn't see it, there were over 400 hits in around 100 files.

@feline you are right: if I turn on the Show Projects option, then I get the menu entries, toggling it off, hides it.
Not sure if this is intended or not, since in both cases I have file nodes. Of course I don't have the Project root node in case Show Projects is off....
sean Posted - Mar 30 2020 : 10:18:24 AM
Find Refs on a local variable will only result in items found in a single file. The tree node commands only appear if the results list contains more than 1 file.
feline Posted - Mar 30 2020 : 09:31:53 AM
The only obvious difference between the two menus, apart from the missing entries, is that "Show Projects" is turned On in the case where you have the menu items, and turned Off in the case where you don't have the menu items.

Do you actually have tree nodes in both cases? Or only in one? If I do Find References in File, even with "Show Projects" turned On, these menu options do not show up in the context menu. But since the results are all from the same file, there is no tree structure, so nothing to expand or collapse.
bta Posted - Mar 30 2020 : 06:36:14 AM
I currently have 1 environment in which I can see the 3 menu items, and another environment in which I can't see them...

Same Visual Studio version, same VAX version:
VA_X.dll file version 10.9.2366.0 built 2020.02.20
DevEnv.exe version 16.4.29728.190 Professional

See screen shots for evidence...

Note that I did have entries in the Find References window in the case the entries were not shown.
feline Posted - Mar 25 2020 : 06:15:14 AM
If you right click into the Find References Results window, the context menu should contain the following commands:

Expand All
Collapse All
Collapse File Nodes

We are considering adding the ability to sort the Find References Results list, but it's not currently a priority:

bta Posted - Mar 25 2020 : 05:20:19 AM
ah and a possibility to sort the 'file nodes' would be handy as well....

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