T O P I C R E V I E W |
jviloria |
Posted - Jun 21 2013 : 11:07:15 AM notepad++ import this for view code in cuda <NotepadPlus> <UserLang name="CUDA" ext="cu cuh"> <Settings> <Global caseIgnored="no" /> <TreatAsSymbol comment="yes" commentLine="yes" /> <Prefix words1="no" words2="no" words3="no" words4="no" /> </Settings> <KeywordLists> <Keywords name="Delimiters">000000</Keywords> <Keywords name="Folder+"></Keywords> <Keywords name="Folder-"></Keywords> <Keywords name="Operators">' - ! % & ( ) , . : ? [ ] ^ { | } ~ + < = ></Keywords> <Keywords name="Comment">1/* 2*/ 0//</Keywords> <Keywords name="Words1">__global__ __device__ __host__ __constant__ __shared__ __float_as_int __int_as_float __float2int_rn __float2int_rz __float2int_ru __float2int_rd __float2uint_rn __float2uint_rz __float2uint_ru __float2uint_rd __int2float_rn __int2float_rz __int2float_ru __int2float_rd __uint2float_rn __uint2float_rz __uint2float_ru __uint2float_rd __fadd_rz __fmul_rz __fdividef __mul24 __umul24 __mulhi __umulhi __mul64hi __umul64hi min umin fminf fmin max umax fmaxf fmax abs fabsf fabs rsqrtf rsqrt sqrtf sqrt __sinf sinf sin __cosf cosf cos __sincosf sincosf sincos __expf expf exp __logf logf log __syncthreads malloc ceil free cudaHostAllocMapped cudaMemcpyHostToDevice cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice printf fprintf</Keywords> <Keywords name="Words2">if else switch case default break goto return for while do continue typedef sizeof NULL new delete throw try catch namespace operator this const_cast static_cast dynamic_cast reinterpret_cast true false using typeid and and_eq bitand bitor compl not not_eq or or_eq xor xor_eq void struct union enum char short int long double float signed unsigned const static extern auto register volatile bool class private protected public friend inline template virtual asm explicit typename mutable #include #define #if #ifdef #else #endif #elif define gridDim blockIdx blockDim threadIdx char1 char2 char3 char4 uchar uchar1 uchar2 uchar3 uchar4 short1 short2 short3 short4 ushort1 ushort2 ushort3 ushort4 int1 int2 int3 int4 uint1 uint2 uint3 uint4 long1 long2 long3 long4 ulong1 ulong2 ulong3 ulong4 longlong1 longlong2 float1 float2 float3 float4 double1 double2 dim1 dim2 dim3 dim4 tex1Dfetch tex1D tex2D tex3D cudaChannelFormatDesc cudaEvent_t cudaDeviceProp texture</Keywords> <Keywords name="Words3">cudaMemcpy cudaMalloc cudaMallocArray cudaCreateChannelDesc cudaMemcpyToSymbol cudaFree cudaEventCreate cudaEventRecord cudaEventSynchronize cudaEventElapsedTime cudaEventDestroy cudaHostAlloc cudaHostGetDevicePointer cudaSetDeviceFlags cudaThreadSynchronize cudaFreeHost cudaThreadExit cudaGetDeviceProperties cudaGetDeviceCount cudaSetDevice cudaMemcpyToArray cudaFreeArray cudaBindTextureToArray cudaUnbindTexture</Keywords> <Keywords name="Words4">a addindex addtogroup anchor arg attention author b brief bug c class code date def defgroup deprecated dontinclude e em endcode endhtmlonly endif endlatexonly endlink endverbatim enum example exception f$ f[ f] file fn hideinitializer htmlinclude htmlonly if image include ingroup internal invariant interface latexonly li line link mainpage name namespace nosubgrouping note overload p page par param post preref relates remarks return retval sa section see showinitializer since skip skipline struct subsection test throw throws todo typedef union until var verbatim verbinclude version warning weakgroup $ @ \\ & < > # { }</Keywords> </KeywordLists> <Styles> <WordsStyle name="DEFAULT" styleID="11" fgColor="000000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="Courier New" fontStyle="0" /> <WordsStyle name="FOLDEROPEN" styleID="12" fgColor="000000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="Courier New" fontStyle="0" /> <WordsStyle name="FOLDERCLOSE" styleID="13" fgColor="000000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="Courier New" fontStyle="0" /> <WordsStyle name="KEYWORD1" styleID="5" fgColor="A400A4" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="Courier New" fontStyle="0" /> <WordsStyle name="KEYWORD2" styleID="6" fgColor="0000FF" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="Courier New" fontStyle="0" /> <WordsStyle name="KEYWORD3" styleID="7" fgColor="800000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="Courier New" fontStyle="0" /> <WordsStyle name="KEYWORD4" styleID="8" fgColor="0000FF" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="Courier New" fontStyle="0" /> <WordsStyle name="COMMENT" styleID="1" fgColor="008040" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="Corbel" fontStyle="0" /> <WordsStyle name="COMMENT LINE" styleID="2" fgColor="008040" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="Corbel" fontStyle="0" /> <WordsStyle name="NUMBER" styleID="4" fgColor="FF0000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="Courier New" fontStyle="0" /> <WordsStyle name="OPERATOR" styleID="10" fgColor="400080" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="Courier New" fontStyle="1" /> <WordsStyle name="DELIMINER1" styleID="14" fgColor="000000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" /> <WordsStyle name="DELIMINER2" styleID="15" fgColor="000000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" /> <WordsStyle name="DELIMINER3" styleID="16" fgColor="000000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" /> </Styles> </UserLang> </NotepadPlus>
And OpenCL
<!-- OpenCL 1.0 syntax highlighting, revision 0 [2/23/2010] --> <!-- Written by Josh Engwer [[email protected]] --> <!-- --> <!-- Based on the OpenCL 1.0 Specification, revision 48 --> <!-- http://www.khronos.org/opencl --> <!-- --> <NotepadPlus> <UserLang name="OpenCL 1.0" ext="cl"> <Settings> <Global caseIgnored="no"/> <TreatAsSymbol comment="yes" commentLine="yes"/> <Prefix words1="no" words2="no" words3="no" words4="no"/> </Settings> <KeywordLists> <Keywords name="Delimiters">000000</Keywords> <Keywords name="Folder+">{</Keywords> <Keywords name="Folder-">}</Keywords> <Keywords name="Operators">- ! % & ( ) * , . : ; ? [ ] ^ | ~ + < = ></Keywords> <Keywords name="Comment">1/* 2*/ 0//</Keywords> <Keywords name="Words1">#include #define #ifdef #ifndef #undef #if #else #elif #endif #pragma OPENCL FP_CONTRACT EXTENSION ON OFF DEFAULT __FILE__ __LINE__ __OPENCL_VERSION__ __ENDIAN_LITTLE__ __ROUNDING_MODE__ __IMAGE_SUPPORT__ __FAST_RELAXED_MATH__ __kernel_exec MAXFLOAT HUGE_VALF INFINITY NAN FLT_DIG FLT_MANT_DIG FLT_MAX_10_EXP FLT_MAX_EXP FLT_MIN_10_EXP FLT_MIN_EXP FLT_RADIX FLT_MAX FLT_MIN FLT_EPSILON FP_ILOGB0 FP_ILOGBNAN CHAR_BIT CHAR_MAX CHAR_MIN INT_MAX INT_MIN LONG_MAX LONG_MIN SCHAR_MAX SCHAR_MIN SHRT_MAX SHRT_MIN UCHAR_MAX USHRT_MAX UINT_MAX ULONG_MAX CLK_NORMALIZED_COORDS_TRUE CLK_NORMALIZED_COORDS_FALSE CLK_ADDRESS_REPEAT CLK_ADDRESS_CLAMP_TO_EDGE CLK_ADDRESS_CLAMP CL_INTENSITY CL_A CL_RA CL_ARGB CL_BGRA CL_RGBA CL_R CL_RG CL_RGB CL_LUMINANCE CLK_ADDRESS_NONE CLK_FILTER_NEAREST CLK_FILTER_LINEAR CL_UNORM_INT8 CL_UNORM_INT16 CL_SNORM_INT8 CL_SNORM_INT16 CL_HALF_FLOAT CL_FLOAT CL_SIGNED_INT8 CL_SIGNED_INT16 CL_SIGNED_INT32 CL_UNSIGNED_INT8 CL_UNSIGNED_INT16 CL_UNSIGNED_INT32 CL_UNORM_SHORT_565 CL_UNORM_SHORT_555 CL_UNORM_SHORT_101010 CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE CLK_GLOBAL_MEM_FENCE all enable disable HUGE_VAL FP_FAST_FMA cl_khr_fp64 DBL_DIG DBL_MANT_DIG DBL_MAX_10_EXP DBL_MAX_EXP DBL_MIN_10_EXP DBL_MIN_EXP DBL_MAX DBL_MIN DBL_EPSILON M_E M_LOG2E M_LOG10E M_LN2 M_LN10 M_PI M_PI_2 M_PI_4 M_1_PI M_2_PI M_2_SQRTPI M_SQRT2 M_SQRT1_2 SELECT_ROUNDING_MODE __ROUNDING_MODE__ cl_khr_select_fprounding_mode rte rtz rtp rtn cl_khr_global_int32_base_atomics cl_khr_global_int32_extended_atomics cl_khr_local_int32_base_atomics cl_khr_local_int32_extended_atomics cl_khr_int64_base_atomics cl_khr_int64_extended_atomics cl_khr_3d_image_writes cl_khr_byte_addressable_store cl_khr_fp16 FP_FAST_FMA_HALF __EMBEDDED_PROFILE__</Keywords> <Keywords name="Words2">bool char unsigned uchar short ushort int uint long ulong float half size_t ptrdiff_t intptr_t uintptr_t void char2 char4 char8 char16 uchar2 uchar4 uchar8 uchar16 short2 short4 short8 short16 ushort2 ushort4 ushort8 ushort16 int2 int4 int8 int16 uint2 uint4 uint8 uint16 long2 long4 long8 long16 ulong2 ulong4 ulong8 ulong16 float2 float4 float8 float16 image2d_t image3d_t sampler_t event_t const restrict volatile struct union __global __local __constant __private global local constant private __read_only __write_only read_only write_only __kernel __attribute__ packed typedef enum double double2 double4 double8 double16 half2 half4 half8 half16 if else switch case continue break while do for</Keywords> <Keywords name="Words3">bool2 bool4 bool8 bool16 quad quad2 quad4 quad8 quad16 complex imaginary float1x1 float1x2 float1x4 float1x8 float1x16 float2x1 float2x2 float2x4 float2x8 float2x16 float4x1 float4x2 float4x4 float4x8 float4x16 float8x1 float8x2 float8x4 float8x8 float8x16 float16x1 float16x2 float16x4 float16x8 float16x16 double1x1 double1x2 double1x4 double1x8 double1x16 double2x1 double2x2 double2x4 double2x8 double2x16 double4x1 double4x2 double4x4 double4x8 double4x16 double8x1 double8x2 double8x4 double8x8 double8x16 double16x1 double16x2 double16x4 double16x8 double16x16 extern static auto register assert.h ctype.h complex.h errno.h fenv.h float.h inttypes.h limits.h locale.h setjmp.h signal.h stdarg.h stdio.h stdlib.h string.h tgmath.h time.h wchar.h wctype.h math_errorhandling MATH_ERREXCEPT</Keywords> <Keywords name="Words4">sizeof vec_type_hint work_group_size_hint reqd_work_group_size endian aligned convert_unsigned convert_char convert_uchar convert_short convert_ushort convert_int convert_uint convert_long convert_ulong convert_float convert_double convert_char2 convert_uchar2 convert_short2 convert_ushort2 convert_int2 convert_uint2 convert_long2 convert_ulong2 convert_float2 convert_double2 convert_char4 convert_uchar4 convert_short4 convert_ushort4 convert_int4 convert_uint4 convert_long4 convert_ulong4 convert_float4 convert_double4 convert_char8 convert_uchar8 convert_short8 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get_global_size get_global_id get_local_size get_local_id get_num_groups get_group_id clamp degrees max min mix radians step smoothstep sign abs abs_diff add_sat hadd rhadd clz mad_hi mad24 mad_sat mul_hi mul24 rotate sub_sat upsample acos acosh acospi asin asinh asinpi atan atan2 atanh atanpi atan2pi cbrt ceil copysign cos cosh cospi half_divide native_divide erfc erf exp exp2 exp10 expm1 fabs fdim floor fma fmax fmin fmod fract frexp hypot logb ldexp lgamma lgamma_r log log2 log10 log1p logb mad modf nan nextafter pow pown powr half_recip native_recip remainder remquo rint rootn round rsqrt sin sincos sinh sinpi sqrt tan tanh tanpi tgamma trunc cross dot distance length normalize fast_distance fast_length fast_normalize isequal isnotequal isgreater isgreaterequal isless islessequal islessgreater isfinite isinf isnan isnormal isordered isunordered signbit any all bitselect select vload2 vload4 vload8 vload16 vstore2 vstore4 vstore8 vstore16 vload_half vload_half2 vload_half4 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Thanks  |