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 Better suggestions for C++ enums inside classes

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
jschultz Posted - May 10 2012 : 09:21:14 AM
Consider a class like this:

class Foo
   enum Bar { baz };
   void foobar(Bar bar) { ... }

Imagine I want to call foobar() from outside the class. In that case, I will have to call foobar(Foo::baz), i.e. I have to explicitely state the class name to address an enum member. However, Visual Assist's autocomplete only suggests "baz" in this case, not "Foo::baz".
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
feline Posted - May 15 2012 : 11:00:00 PM
Unfortunately this happens occasionally. We work hard to fix bugs and add useful new features, but we cannot please everyone at once. If you have a normal, renewable licence key renewing will only cost $49 dollars, and gives you another year of bug fixes and new features.
jschultz Posted - May 14 2012 : 7:40:27 PM
Great, seems like all the fixes that are important to me are made shortly after my license runs out... ;)
accord Posted - May 14 2012 : 7:37:09 PM
It seems so

This is from Change History: (http://www.wholetomato.com/support/history.asp)
Improved Smart Suggestions for C++ enums. (case=65011, case=65199, case=65374) 5857
jschultz Posted - May 11 2012 : 6:31:23 PM

Using build 1682 here. Has anything regarding this issue changed in Visual Assist since then?
accord Posted - May 11 2012 : 6:05:01 PM
I'm getting the following, using VA 1905:

Are you getting different result? What Visual Assist version are you using?

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