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 Arguments with class qualifier shown in Outline
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Senior Member

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Posted - Apr 02 2013 :  07:17:32 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
When method parameters have class qualifier, they are shown as class declarations in the VA Outline. For example:

void A::f(class C& c){}
void B::g(class D& d){}

This is shown like this in the VA outline:

[method] f(class C& c)
 [class] d
[method] g(class D& d)

Happens in both source files (method definitions) and header files (class declarations).

They are technically forward declarations, but the do mess up the the VA Outline, IMHO. Also; the class name shown is not correct, and doesn't show up, fx. if a class declaration follows:

void A::f(class C& c){}
class Q {};

Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19147 Posts

Posted - Apr 02 2013 :  8:44:46 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I am seeing the first problem, thank you for the clear example:


Do you have a lot of code that does this? I don't think I have ever seen this done before.

The second problem, so far I am not able to reproduce it. I am using the following class in a C++ header file:

class simpleGeneralTestClass
	void forwardDeclareTypeOne(class ForwardOne ¶m);
	void forwardDeclareTypeTwo(class ForwardTwo ¶m);

and the following code in the matching .cpp file:

void simpleGeneralTestClass::forwardDeclareTypeOne( class ForwardOne ¶m ) { }

class testExtraClassBetweenMethods

and VA outline is showing the cpp code correctly for me.

zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness
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Senior Member

30 Posts

Posted - Apr 03 2013 :  02:16:06 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Sorry I wasn't clear. The last was just an example that it doesn't happen in all cases. It appears that it depends on what follows the method declaration with the class-qualified argument. If another method definition/declaration follows, it shows it as a class declaration. If an actual class declaration follows, it is not shown.

It's probably not that common of a style in C++ code in general, but it's actually quite common in our code base, due to many interfaces like this:

class MessageHandler
   void HandleMessage(Message&);
   void HandleSpecificMessage1(class SpecificMessage1&);
   void HandleSpecificMessage2(class SpecificMessage2&);
   // ... 
   // 20+ handler methods like this

Putting the class-qualifier on the argument rather than list (and maintain) 20+ forward declarations has become de-facto style for us.

Edited by - lac on Apr 03 2013 02:16:24 AM
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Whole Tomato Software

United Kingdom
19147 Posts

Posted - Apr 03 2013 :  1:45:03 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Ah, this makes sense now, thank you for the explanation. Also seeing this code sample explains why you are doing this, a sensible solution to this situation.

zen is the art of being at one with the two'ness
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Whole Tomato Software

2817 Posts

Posted - Sep 24 2018 :  2:14:55 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
case=66673 is fixed in build 2291
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